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  1. M

    Increasing calories, cutting down cardio, letting a coach guide me

    @naate agreed, I was having hormonal problems and refused to acknowledge it was probable due to my very low body fat percentage. After insistence from my husband to stop counting calories and actively try to gain 5-10 pounds, I pulled the trigger because I was so tired of feeling terrible. I've...
  2. M

    Looking for advice F 5’2” 215lbs

    @keepitsimple144 yes! this is basically increasing NEAT, which burn the most calories daily overall because it really adds up
  3. M

    Weight fluctuations??

    @michaeldinunzio you should use an app that tracks weight daily and looks at the overall trend like happy scale or MacroFactor (my favorite app ever)
  4. M

    everything i know about losing weight that might help you

    @koruschristian couple of corrections: when you say bmr, you actually should say TDEE. BMR is the calories you need to just be alive, no other activities included. If you are not in a coma or bed bound you will need to eat more calories than your BMR. Also you can definitely burn 200 calories on...
  5. M

    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @eheart77 thank you for sharing! it's great to see another petite person eating 2000cals + for maintenance.