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  1. T

    What’s your TDEE? What do you for fitness?

    @yuripanta You are spot on! I think I’m at the peak of my relapse. I am constantly training for races so running was always one of my daily workouts. Adding the walking part since this summer because I joined a step challenge. But I shared my routine and calories burned just to answer OP’s...
  2. T

    What’s your TDEE? What do you for fitness?

    @yuripanta Since the kids were back to school I just have a lot of free time. I guess one and half years? I don't usually take rest days because I always hit major events like COVID+ and travels then I could not make to the workouts.
  3. T

    What’s your TDEE? What do you for fitness?

    @senni My TDEE is around 2100-2200 across different calculations. And my Apple Watch has been perfectly aligning to the numbers so i think it’s accurate. Here is my daily routine for 5’3” and 110lbs. Vinyasa yoga 1 hour not recorded by watch Running for 6 miles (~1 hour) Walking for 4.5 miles (~...