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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @christianmusthaves Thanks, we had the same experience of boredom with karate, so yeah, wanna avoid that happening again!
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @christianmusthaves Definitely gonna look into this - and archery! 😊
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @johncobb I wish she was lol, but to the casual onlooker it definitely just looks like I spend 50% of my life having a nice ol’ time lying in bed watching telly. 😆
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @dawn16 Kurzgestast is one of my fav channels, love that one!!
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @dawn16 All these pointers are amazing, thank you! Definitely going to get my partner to take her climbing (he has done it before as a hobby) and see if she gets into it. Hadn’t thought of YouTube stuff either - she’s amenable to most things that might involve a screen in some way hehe!
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @emmanuel2016 Oof. I mean. It did do me a lot of good, because staying moderately fit and healthy made me less of an asshole, and less depressed, and arguably gave me the resilience to cope with being chronically ill. 🤷‍♀️ But yeah I feel you. I’ve no desire to force her into it, but a parent’s...
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @gurugle1116 Haha yep, I didn’t find exercise until I left school either. That’s why I wanna find things that get her moving but aren’t officially “exercise”, y’know? Last thing I wanna do is put her off long term!
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @cat1965 Ooh good thinking! I reckon the 11 and 13 would defo go for some sibling competition on the Switch!
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @dawn16 Sadly I think she’d immediately do a u-turn on the swimming if she thought it involved that much training or pressure. 😬 But I might see if I can get her to do some of the challenge cards the local pool has up on the wall for a start. Can always bribe her with extra pocket money… 😆
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @popty4real Good to know I’m not alone in this! Paying for some active chores is a great idea actually - gonna figure out how we can do some of that.
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @dinafrancis She’s already a member of a lil D&D group so I will defo suggest some LARPing to compliment that. 😊
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @dinafrancis Yes!! This is genius, thank you!
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @morh These are great suggestions, thank you so much. Gonna share with the rest of my fam so that they can all take turns doing some of these things with her. And yeah, trying to avoid the “exercise” word as much as possible seems like the way. 😅
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @_dave_ Good idea to check out more active games - will defo do that! Thanks. And thanks for sharing your experience - mine was the same. Stumbled across yoga at 19ish and realised maybe I didn’t hate all exercise. 😆 Before that, I was never moved to do any.
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    Bit of background: I’m 43 and used to be a yoga instructor, swimmer, runner. Got M.E. from Covid and now can’t exercise at all. I still meditate and occasionally stretch, but can’t do more physical exercise than a brisk 10 min walk on a good day. I am bedbound 50% of my life. It sucks but it is...