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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @morh These are great suggestions, thank you so much. Gonna share with the rest of my fam so that they can all take turns doing some of these things with her. And yeah, trying to avoid the “exercise” word as much as possible seems like the way. 😅
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    @_dave_ Good idea to check out more active games - will defo do that! Thanks. And thanks for sharing your experience - mine was the same. Stumbled across yoga at 19ish and realised maybe I didn’t hate all exercise. 😆 Before that, I was never moved to do any.
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    Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

    Bit of background: I’m 43 and used to be a yoga instructor, swimmer, runner. Got M.E. from Covid and now can’t exercise at all. I still meditate and occasionally stretch, but can’t do more physical exercise than a brisk 10 min walk on a good day. I am bedbound 50% of my life. It sucks but it is...