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  1. D

    Veganism, weight loss, and starvation mode

    @showboy90s Yes, I do need to add more strength reply. Thanks for the advice.
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    Veganism, weight loss, and starvation mode

    @eastgrandkids Ya, I'm a creature of habit unfortunately, so things don't change often. I agree though, a greater variety would be helpful, even just in spices. I probably could benefit from a wider variety of foods just in terms of nutritional differences.
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    Veganism, weight loss, and starvation mode

    @brit25us I would say yes, I am afraid of gaining a lot of weight and becoming fat, but I think no more so than any other person. However, at the moment, I am much more afraid of losing any more weight. I just want to be healthy. I definitely do not starve myself or anything extreme like that...
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    Veganism, weight loss, and starvation mode

    @gryphon56 Thanks for such a thoughtful response. I agree that I need to increase the amount of fat/protein in my diet and eat more calorie dense foods. My macros are very much too carb heavy. Additionally, the 9 cals per gram of fat will help boast my overall caloric intake.
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    Veganism, weight loss, and starvation mode

    Background: IAMA 23 y/o Height: 6’ 6’’ Weight: 145 Profession: Software development I guess to give full context, I need to start from the beginning. In high school/college, I had always been a high achiever (4.00 GPA, involved in clubs, etc.). After college I took a well paying job in...