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  1. S

    Barbell Overhead Press Form Check

    @lavone Argh, I'm really bad about that, even when I'm conscious of it. I always think I'm going to hit my face. The bracing I think I could definitely be stronger/more consistent in. Thanks for those queues.
  2. S

    Barbell Overhead Press Form Check

    @marilt I definitely want to give it a try. Oh and thank you for the stacking tip!
  3. S

    Barbell Overhead Press Form Check

    @marilt That was a great walkthrough, thank you so much. Your explanation was great and really helpful. The breath in the cheeks is interesting, that's a nifty trick.
  4. S

    Barbell Overhead Press Form Check

    So, I love shoulder day (dat burn) but the OHP always frustrates me. I would totally appreciate some pointers or help, please! For set up, I keep my thumbs at my armpits for the distance on the bar, turn my hands so the bar is laying along my thumb crease, keep my elbows tight into my lats...