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    Folks who workout twice a day, what does your life look like on a daily basis?

    @truthandpeace 10pm to 5am will give you 7 hrs. That'll be fine.
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    Folks who workout twice a day, what does your life look like on a daily basis?

    @truthandpeace Well maybe get to bed for 10 otherwise you'll just end up knackered in a few years
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    Folks who workout twice a day, what does your life look like on a daily basis?

    @olatunde Yea I've got 2 and have slept less lots of times and it shouldn't be a routine. Fine when you have a baby but once they're settled getting a few hours you should be getting 7 to 8 otherwise you'll just ruin yourself. Don't listen to this hustle culture youtuber shite about getting up...
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    Folks who workout twice a day, what does your life look like on a daily basis?

    @olatunde So you get 5 hrs some nights? That's far too little. 7 plus minimum otherwise you'll see cognitive decline in the day.
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    How could I possibly eat less and exercise a sh*t ton more, and actually gain weight??

    @youngwolf The body fluctuates a lot week to week especially in women. Its common to have some strange weights early on as there's so many variables and your body is adjusting to a new regime. Keep at it and realise that this is a marathon not a sprint.