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  1. M

    I [18F] kinda dislike going to the gym and being active and I don’t know how to fix it

    @anylene Start with your diet... That's like 80% of weight loss anyway. Clean that up, eat within your caloric needs for weight loss (deficic) first and establish those healthy eating habits as best you can. Maybe you don't like the gym and that's ok... Have you considered other activities? My...
  2. M

    I was promised endorphins

    @romans5to8 perhaps you need to set goals? that's what makes lifting so great - hitting those PRs. or maybe you need a change in exercise; try muay thai or martial arts....that will really give you a rush!
  3. M

    Taller ladies with very long femurs - Does Squatting Ever Get Easier?

    @faithfulsteward7 try elevating your heels. you can use small plates or squat wedges.
  4. M

    Newbie question: why does 'to failure' feel different for different muscles?

    @kimx 100% this. When you workout with good form, you get way better gains and reduce your risk of injury significantly.