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  1. R

    Rate my workout

    @pooterlaws Thats because your sets are way too much for a single day. Just do 3-4 sets per muscle group. Try isolating and increase time under tension (move the weights slowly i.e taking as much time as possible to finish a rep) Example- one exercise of upper chest, one for lower and one for...
  2. R

    Rate my workout

    @pooterlaws PPL is also each muscle group twice in week. But it is split more evenly. PPL means push pull legs. Push - chest tri shoulders, all those where you push the weight against gravity Pull- back biceps and rear delts, pulling the weight against gravity And legs is self explanatory.
  3. R

    Rate my workout

    @pooterlaws I suggest doing a traditional PPL. Creates the balance that your split is lacking.
  4. R

    Rate my workout

    @pooterlaws Too much volume. Unnecessary. And also not optimal at all. Like chest on Monday and shoulder on Tuesdays. You should know that training chests also work the shoulder joints. So if you workout chest optimally you wont be performing shoulders the next day properly because it’s...