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  1. C

    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    @dawn16 A) Under range b) At range but at still lower/medium :(. My doc said i have probably problems with the pituitary gland. I have also high estrogen and SHGB Mostly oats and fruits i also like sweet potatos and dislike rice. All not processed food are fine
  2. C

    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    @dawn16 As ripterd said - just read beyond 5/3/1 its simple book to understand that system I just added a lot volume on back/hamstring/glutes and general upper body via large assists (like good mornings/rlds/barbell floor presses/dips/pull ups/hard barbell rows variations) and via small...
  3. C

    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    @dawn16 Some of my 3 weeks cycles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bench press day Bench Press 3/5/1 Bench Press 5x5 (80 %) Weighted dips 4x8 One arm barbell row 5x8 Lat pulldown wide grip 4x12 Incline...
  4. C

    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    @mmntc I eat same calories/macro every day. For me always is better keep calories high and do more strenght volume + cardio than eat less and exercise less.
  5. C

    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    @dovesong But i doing 30-120 min cardio daily and also have 15-25 k step per day outside gym
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    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    @gphudson becouse that was my first bulking, first 2.5 yr was 95 % time of a cutting (from 120 go 69 kg)
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    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    @routa After 1.5 yrs,w400.jpg After 2.5-3 yrs
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    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    @peteoro Mosty stairs at gym, sometimes running at park/streets or spinning at home
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    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    @margaritaditte no idea :) 10 %? Maybe i will have 8-9 % on photo session day
  10. C

    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    @ryno13 I started from greyskull LP (3x per week), when upper/lower 4-5 times at week, from 1 yr 5-6 per week 5/3/1
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    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    @dawn16 In my country we have "cm/kgs" probably i wrote something wrong - to be clear 180 cm / 85 kg
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    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    @dogash For me, the most important lesson is the consection. Day after day, implement a workout plan and diet plan. There is no magic here. I simply watch people who lose their enthusiasm after two months. The month they train and keep their diet and then they stop and come back to it after some...
  13. C

    My four-year transformation - 4 weeks before the photo session (powerlifting/bodybuilding)

    Hello, 31 years old and i work as dietitian Start point Photos from last weeks, 4 weeks before photo session Stats Height - 180 cm (5'9) Weight - 120 kg (265 lbs)...