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  1. D

    Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?

    @rodneys thanks for the correction, wasn't paying close attention on mobile. also not sure why my personal experience is getting downvoted so I'd like to end this politely. I told yall what I eat, and what I do. whether my numbers and weight match what yall think should be happening is a...
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    Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?

    @rodneys appreciate the concern :) I've eaten like this for years (but go through periods of poor eating habits/less exercise etc thank you grad school) and my doc has never brought it up...but they also never ask my calorie intake lol. TDEE 1362//BMR 1500 so it didn't seem that far off that...
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    Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?

    @rodneys lol tell that to my pants and scale! it's not strictly at 1300, but yeah when I count it up most days are 900-1200, and once or twice around 1500 (usually when I make pasta, because I'm italian and nothing is worth stopping my fettuccine intake). I've heard of people's metabolisms...
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    Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?

    @excpomelo so jealous / inspired by this thread. 4'11 and gain weight if I go over 1300. I do muay thai 3-4 days a week (1-2 hours each), yoga, and occasionally kettlebell crosstraining. but if I eat pasta twice? none of that seems to matter lol
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    Plateau and Gaining on Reverse Diet

    @loveyhwh definitely not enough movement :( i work a desk job but walk my dog, 4k steps on a heavy work day and aim for 6k+. was in a good lifting routine but it gets thrown off when i return from monthly travel so i focus more on the kitchen. thought adaptation could work from that alone also...
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    Plateau and Gaining on Reverse Diet

    @inhasap6 thanks for the reply! yeah this part confuses me about metabolic adaptation. my impression was that it would adjust with or without my lifting routine because it’s just a “new normal”. but i agree, a gym routine that more sustainably fits in my life is necessary long term either way
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    Plateau and Gaining on Reverse Diet

    TW: under-eating, calorie counting, weight gain Summarizing my history because I don’t think the details are super relevant for this post: - years of eating ~900-1100cal - on and off lifting - gained body fat over the years during multi-week visits back home eating 3 meals/1400-1700 cal -...
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    Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?

    @aabel is building up to this level mean muscle mass or reverse dieting (or both)?
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    Feeling Full, Fat, and Fatigued

    @cph i could play around with higher carbs! it’s just hard when i’m already feeling icky and not hungry to eat something intentionally filling. id love to feel good again :) unfortunately i only notice that after a 24-36hr fast.
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    Feeling Full, Fat, and Fatigued

    @cph LOL not at all. i’m trying every angle over the past few years to fix a decade of poor nutrition habits and shed off the fat accumulated from the months I ate “normally” (over 1300)
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    Feeling Full, Fat, and Fatigued

    @eclipsewolfe hydration is improving but definitely should be doing more. GI is all over the place but wonkier after adding in more greens — salad is usually lunch or dinner. So 20+ g of fiber.
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    Feeling Full, Fat, and Fatigued

    @loveyhwh this is what keeps me going :) i would LOVE to get my maintenance at/above 1700! that thought is what gets me to eat breakfast when i’m not feeling hungry, even though it’s putting on pounds. my hope with this post was to figure out how to keep it up, since i’ve been hitting 1500 but...
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    Feeling Full, Fat, and Fatigued

    @rodneys i’ve tried a few RD’s but they all give the same general well-balanced nutrition advice. it’s a good reminder though to keep at the higher cals for longer! post-student athlete life I put on weight so i was never under, but adjusted to 900-1100 maintenance from HIIT, schedule, and...
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    Feeling Full, Fat, and Fatigued

    Edit: no solution but so far having some green tea in the morning and a mini charcuterie (cheese, fruit, protein) has helped feel hungry, not overly stuffed, and enough energy to keep up with my walks! hope this helps someone else History of undereating, now slowly trying to increase caloric...