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  1. K

    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @1seekingknowlege I don't know where it comes from either, but the amount of people who phrase it as "taking protein" when asking about it show that the message is getting across somewhere.
  2. K

    Strong Curves book promotes a woman who's 5'8 and 115 lbs as clients' "ideal" body. Is the weight estimate just off?

    @nena111601 It looks like the one on the right is popped forward with a slight bend at the knee and the one of the left is straight and locked back. It definitely looks weird, though.
  3. K

    [CONVERSATION] New research says athletes who are cutting should consume ~1.8-2.7 g per kg a day to maintain fat-free mass

    @cloejb Same. I eat large protein-based meals and I'd still fall at least 50g short per day.