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  1. C

    Behind at 5 Weeks Out - Need Advice

    @johnvladimir Check my posts. 205-220 in the offseason all the way to 158-162 to compete.
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    2023 Physique and Plan Updates

    @mekay222 I’m self coached and lead a team of bodybuilding coaches at ATP Performance!
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    Is it possible to reduce the gap in my chest, or is it just due to poor genetics?

    @imalive Can’t change your insertions, but you can just work on making everything bigger which mightttttt fill in the gap a bit. End of the day we each have to embrace the asymmetries, oddities, and unique aspects of our own physique - you look great and can only continue to improve if you keep...
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    2023 Physique and Plan Updates

    @sam088 Those terms are relatively arbitrary. For health and satiety reasons I prioritize micronutrient dense foods and fibrous regardless of weight loss or gain, however I still work in more pleasurable foods in my intake when desired. I eat responsibly and monitor my weekly rate of change.
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    Team ATP Discounted Coaching

    First off, appreciate Danny and the mod team for letting me post this as we aren’t running the “Self Promotion Sunday” threads anymore. For those who I haven’t interacted with over the years, I’m Dr. James. Retired mod, active competitor, coach, business owner, and doctor of physical therapy...
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    2023 Physique and Plan Updates

    @imnotjokingwellnotmostly Yessir
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    2023 Physique and Plan Updates

    How are we doing Natty Fam! It’s been awhile since I’ve updated, and these types of updates are what originally brought me to the subreddit years ago. I love reading into the decision-making processes and journeys of others like myself, more so than a simple Q&A forum – so here goes. My last...
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    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 7/1/2019

    @dawn16 The one that you can adhere to long term. So long as you're training each body part more than 1x/week and preferably not training major muscle groups on back to back days the split doesn't really matter. The training split is just a way to group volume logically but it ultimately comes...
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    Weekly Question Thread - Week of 7/1/2019

    @heyyoo I can nearly guarantee his maintenance isn't 2700 at 5'6". Why are you pointing him on a keto-esque meal plan? In fact, why are you making him a workout plan, pick a well established template that's freely floating around the internet. Your plan is three workouts, not a plan. This...
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    [Contest Write Up]: OCB Uprising 2019

    @dcb22 Truly appreciate it.
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    [Contest Write Up]: OCB Uprising 2019

    @chillcwill I actually went straight from a loose bulk into the aggressive cut (I would not advise this to any client), however my calculated maintenance is somewhere around 2400-2500 cal I believe. My drops were 1900 (1-2) --> 1750 (3-6) --> 1500 (7-9) or roughly so, before I then began to...
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    Write-Up For My First Show!

    @dawn16 A little late to the party, and you're certainly entitled to your opinions. But I compete in a tested organization, and before that competed in NCAA D3 sports which are randomly drug tested as well.
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    [Contest Write Up]: OCB Uprising 2019

    @she2309 The amount of muscle lost in a large deficit is overhyped in my opinion so long as certain factors are maintained. With a supranormal level of protein (2.3-2.6g/kg) and maintenance of high intensity resistance training it is highly reduced.
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    Write-Up For My First Show!

    @dawn16 I answered that in the comments above.
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    [Contest Write Up]: OCB Uprising 2019

    @redz16 Thanks again! Also, I wouldn't mind continuing the conversation about the different orgs. I've kicked around the idea of competing with a few different to test the waters. Fully understand each has it's own positives and negatives.
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    Write-Up For My First Show!

    @remorsefulboy If you have any questions hit me up, I'd be more than happy to help.
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    [Contest Write Up]: OCB Uprising 2019

    @shopie Yeah lesson learned on the coaching aspect. If I want to take it to the next level I'll need the accountability.
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    Write-Up For My First Show!

    @smm Go right ahead, I'll get to it as soon as possible. I'm currently replying in between sets, then have a few clients. So late tonight or tomorrow.
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    [Contest Write Up]: OCB Uprising 2019

    @coglig No time off yet. We are pushing another 8 weeks or so after my few days off. We want to use this time as a litmus test to see what it takes to get me where we want to be, before then reversing out. And good luck! Be sure to keep the sub updated. John is a good friend of mine and has...