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  1. S

    Early morning gym goers, with family, how do you balance going to bed early with time for your partner?

    @dougnarg We just accept it for what it is. No evening time together during the week. Weekends work though. We both understand. I wake up at 445 to work out. But I get all the kids stuff ready for school before I start. Tradeoffs. We have a 1 year old and a 2 year old.
  2. S

    Those with big, noticeable traps, how’d you get there?

    This is a little vain, but I decided I want to start bulking a little after cutting and I’ve always thought that big traps make a person look more physically imposing. 36M, 6’2”, 205 lbs. but my traps are just normal to me. What are y’all doing?