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  1. K

    How do you respond (and deal with it internally) when someone asks you if you are “still lifting”?

    @danielkibby I get far more remarks on how big I am so I try and focus on those…but I do get that question from time to time. A lot of times I think people are just trying to talk about an interest they know you have. It’s just a weird way to phrase it, makes it sound like they saw something...
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    Kid refused to spot me today, so I returned the favor

    @aeri20 I like a good gym tale lol. Not sure why everyone is being so fucking serious about it. I have my home gym so I can avoid obnoxious people, but I still occasionally go with my wife to our local gym for a change of pace. Most of the younger kids are pretty good with gym etiquette...
  3. K

    Protein shakes per day?

    @nickaustin I sometimes have 2, but I make sure I get at least one in... anywhere from 50-80gs. If I can at least get that in, I can usually hit my target protein through the rest of my meals.
  4. K

    Honestly feel like the protein numbers that are given regularly are complete bullshit

    @joaa I mean a consistent shitty work out over time (in this case repetitive bad form) is still better than trying to do a perfect workout once in a blue moon. Other than injury risk, consistent people who may not know a lot, will still be rewarded with gains to an extent.
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    Low T levels? Maybe I’m tweakin

    @scottpippen That is seemingly just fine. I mean that's why they have parameters on what is "average" or whatever. Definitely not an expert, but I believe "normal/good" ranges are between 300-1000. Obviously within that range it's going to vary from individual to individual. From what I've...
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    Progression rant

    @trinitas1198 This is great advice. I would up the weight by 5-10lbs and often do 3-4 reps less... but when I went back to the original goal weight, it was easier. At some point if you're trying to check the boxes of a 3 set rep scheme or whatever and you're just falling short by a couple of...
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    What’s your thoughts on the oversized t shirt?

    @righteousbyfaith I tend to wear form fitting things when out and about in daily life… but at the gym I’m usually in some kind of larger shirt or pull-over/hoodie.