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  1. S

    3 Things I learned walking 100,000 steps (48 miles!) in a single day, plus tips on long-distance walking:

    @katty143 i'm kind of obsessed with her, haha. if you are in the seattle-ish area and ever want to go on a nice long hike let me know! i used to do ten miles daily last year but i've totally slacked off lately. i need to get my endurance back up.
  2. S

    3 Things I learned walking 100,000 steps (48 miles!) in a single day, plus tips on long-distance walking:

    @katty143 here, here, and here are some good articles i found. i can't find the one i was initially thinking of, but these are all good ones.
  3. S

    3 Things I learned walking 100,000 steps (48 miles!) in a single day, plus tips on long-distance walking:

    @katty143 Katy Bowman walks a mile per year of life every year for her birthday, and regularly goes 20 miles. She has written articles on how to work up to this. I'm on mobile but Google her name and nutritious movement and I'm sure it will come up.