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    Overhead squats makes me so f**king angry

    @angeltigerr39 Yeah we did the girl workout with doubles. I did 2xthe number of singles and it still felt like nothing, whereas doubles I just can’t get. Frustrating!
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    Overhead squats makes me so f**king angry

    @jr620 I feel you, friend.
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    Help me with tips of how to actually get out of bed and make it to CrossFit! 😣

    @californio Yes to all this. Don’t give yourself a decision to make when you wake up. Make the decision now - I’m going every day (or whatever you decide your schedule is). Set your alarm, get your gym clothes ready.
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    Overhead squats makes me so f**king angry

    @mksamas How about double under? I’ve been practicing those since2019 and am not seeing any real improvements
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    24.1 and ego

    @mike24 Every single CrossFit workout I’ve ever done has been harder than I expected
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    I have my goals changing consistently and I don’t know where I want to go with my health journey

    @vivekanandshastri Also, good for you for making changes. Give it time, trust the process, I’d say enjoy the challenge and focus on the improvements in the CrossFit elements and let the aesthetic side follow.
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    I have my goals changing consistently and I don’t know where I want to go with my health journey

    @vivekanandshastri I mean… it sounds like from a workout perspective it’s what you’re already doing. I’d look at diet and give it more time, 5 months isn’t long to see changes.
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    I have my goals changing consistently and I don’t know where I want to go with my health journey

    @suzannetocher Yeah agreed, that much working out isn’t necessary and isn’t the thing that’s going to change your weight loss journey. Total calories, grams of protein, 5 classes a week, and depending on your programming maybe a bit of additional cardio, like one or two runs or swims a week or...
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    Where do you store your personal records?

    @ciel SugarWOD
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    I have my goals changing consistently and I don’t know where I want to go with my health journey

    @vivekanandshastri So Trouble eating enough? I’ll probably get downvoted, but as long as you get enough protein, some sugar if it fits in your macros is not necessarily a problem, especially if you’re working out that much the body needs fuel. Are you focussing only on the number? Because...
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    I have my goals changing consistently and I don’t know where I want to go with my health journey

    @vivekanandshastri Trouble with protein? Or amount of food? Total calories and protein are the only two things most of us really need to control for.
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    Am I doing too much?

    @thex Yes, almost certainly. You should probably look at getting a coach because expertise would be required to manage that volume of training to get effective results. And possibly a sports psychologist too, honestly, if you feel like this is taking more of your life than it should be.
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    Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

    @verasoldmine I think theyre actually quite different, it’s all in the moving the shoulders forwards and back and going from hollow to arch powerfully.
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    Physically can’t do a burpee

    I also didn’t intend any criticism of you. Just saying for anyone reading and feeling inadequate because diet isn’t good and they do drink, that those things aren’t prohibitive of improvement.
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    Physically can’t do a burpee

    @dawn16 I didn’t feel attacked. I also didn’t say I was confident. I do, however, know what I like and dislike about myself and I wasn’t triggered. I don’t mind if you believe that. I was just offering a different perspective, and how the extra comments could be interpreted is all.
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    Physically can’t do a burpee

    @dawn16 I get that alcohol is not good for us, However, I drink alcohol in moderation and can do burpees. Diet and sleep improvements are also great for improved health, but are not super relevant to the question, and the reason I think this is important is because (even though they shouldn’t...
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    Super anxious before first session

    @kycatt007 Congratulations on making this move that is scary for you! Just trust the process. Give the hour of your day to it and see how you progress. Some things: - I know it’s a cliche, but nobody cares in a negative way what anyone else is doing. Everyone cares in a supportive way, in a...
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    Zone protein recommendations low compared to most other lifting-specific

    @hawkerdriver1 Most people doing this use a macro tracker which would include protein from any source (such as oatmeal) in the daily totals.
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    Zone protein recommendations low compared to most other lifting-specific

    @hawkerdriver1 I had a nutrition coach set my goals and I am aiming for around 150g at 120lb bodyweight. (Although I am trying to gain muscle, but I would still aim high to maintain muscle) I feel 1g / kg body weight would be very low. I have heard people talk about 1g/lb of “goal body weight”...