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  1. B

    How does progressive overload ACTUALLY work?

    @swinswin Well I guess I’m an anomaly 🤷‍♂️. To be fair I have only been lifting for just over a year, and when I bench it’s controlled decent, I don’t just do limited range and super quick reps. I mean according to an online calculator 135lbs at 12 reps would mean a 1RM of 193, which is very...
  2. B

    How does progressive overload ACTUALLY work?

    @swinswin I’m 6’2 185lbs at like 15% BF. I don’t always bench at that weight, I just do lower weight and more reps when I’m cutting. Having said that when I do 1RM it’s about 200lbs (gotta love long arms haha), so even then it’s not like I’m putting crazy fatigue on my body. Still it’s probably...
  3. B

    How does progressive overload ACTUALLY work?

    @ladayer Yeah fair enough, I also think not doing deloads was bad. To be clear I’m not unhappy with my progress, I’m just a bit concerned that my progress was just the result of me being a beginner, and “my luck” will run out
  4. B

    How does progressive overload ACTUALLY work?

    I’m trying to understand how progressive overload actually works. For context I’ve been lifting for just over a year now, majority of that time spent in a calorie deficit. To give a general idea for you guys over the past year I’ve tracked my lifts, and clearly I’ve “progressively overloaded”...