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    Mod Announcement

    @beachbum211 YUP. AKA, why I left one of those subs. I could not take it polluting my feed and blocking out everything else.
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    Mod Announcement

    @j1a1h Same. I never browse by new. I'd rather see what's interesting/upvoted. And maybe go for controversial if I super want to see drama.
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    Mod Announcement

    @acer621 Thank you for being wiling to consider feedback!
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    Mark Rippetoe thinks putting women in concentration camps is an "interesting take"

    @1990jesusiscoming I feel the same way. I bought Starting Strength when I first started lifting, largely because i didn't know any better at that point, wasn't on Reddit, wasn't in this sub, it was recommended elsewhere, blah blah blah. And as I read it, a lot of it made me uncomfortable, but I...
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    Because of my training, my clothes are starting to no longer fit

    @countrygurl32 But you kind of buried the main detail there -- when you were a 0, you were at the lower edge of being healthy versus being underweight. Running some numbers through a BMI calculator, it sounds like that 20-pound gain brought you to a solidly healthy weight. It's not that your...
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    New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

    @nathan2018 2023 was... something. I'd lost where and who I was for a bit, and fitness had fallen to the wayside as part of that. But about midyear or so, I basically went "fuck it all", and started striving for at least consistency, if nothing else. And I've been able to come up with a...
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    [MOD NOTE] r/xxfitness was hacked, and is temporarily private

    @dawn16 I was the same way -- even sent a mod message asking if I did something wrong! Hacking was *so* not on the top of my list of "why can't I see my favorite sub?"
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    6-week mini cut results

    @johnacola Thank you for showing that you CAN make big changes with only a small deficit! Such an amazing change with such little loss.
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    "What Animal Do You Lift?" is back online!

    @readerjoseph RDL baby giraffe. I’ll take it.
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    Because of my training, my clothes are starting to no longer fit

    @countrygurl32 I'm going to speak to the subject header and the concerns about money and clothes not fitting... I've had similar gains and size changes (went from about a 4 to a 10-12ish). Part of it is pandemic pounds (siiiigh I discovered mixology) and gains from the decreased activity from...
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    [MOD NOTE] r/xxfitness was hacked, and is temporarily private

    @howardeagle Yup -- I'm still seeing the upvotes/downvotes the colors of... that.
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    Fit/active women of Reddit, what’s your weekly exercise routine like?

    @acco340 I *aim* to work out seven days a week, but that doesn't always happen. Turns out I got more injured than I thought when I was hiking in May 2021, so now (and until I'm cleared to workout post surgery in March -- so cleared in May this year; surgeon has cleared me to workout with a...
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    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @uticus I really love rowing, running, and lifting -- so trying to work more of that into my day and planning for it. I'd kept running all along, but when I wasn't focusing on the cross training, that running endurance really took a nose dive.
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    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @uticus I want my endurance back -- that's where I focus it. I used to be so active before the plague, and before WFH -- and I've now switched to being fully remote. So I don't have the "gonna go to the gym straight from work" deal, and the "walking 4 miles a day around our campus" deal. And I...
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    My spin instructor made me cry!

    @cepha Yup. My first ever solidcore class was like that -- I left feeling utterly defeated, and didn't want to go back. And I was so disappointed. She had talked before class about how she was going to yell, and she might adjust us and "I'm a lawyer, so I know what I can do." And I hated it...