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  1. D

    6 MONTHS PROGRESS - No before photo :(

    @cece_lee16 Yeah I feel like this explains it. These are pretty darn good results for 6 months. Especially that level of body fat. Definitely had trouble getting those kind of results with the RR (not that it’s impossible). I had false conceptions on my dieting needs and I think I underestimated...
  2. D

    I re-designed the Recommended Routine Workout Log

    @rcast99 It’s uncanny how similar our approaches were for the printout. I also did a redesign for my own purposes that adds a note section on the bottom of the exercise block among a few other simple things. The trifold is a really cool idea though it probably wnt scale as well on letter size in...
  3. D

    Awesome spreadsheet to find new exercises or find out what you should now progress to

    @chris379 Brilliant definitely will use this as reference.