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    B.W. Leg Training (Blog Post)

    @angely I used to do barbell work the previois year, but its been a year since i only do b.w. exercises. I started doing seighted pistol squats recently Here is a video of a full body session at the end is my legs routine My legs are really thock but unfortuntly i dont know the mesurments...
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    B.W. Leg Training (Blog Post)

    @halimah The videos will be coming soon! Well I would do 4 sets of Pistol Squat Progression 4sets of jumping exercise (i would do jumping lunges) 4 sets of hip briges For the hip bridge i would work towards single leg hip bridge
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    B.W. Leg Training (Blog Post)

    Blog Hey all! I wanted to share a blog post I wrote about B.W. lower body training. Please ask any question you have! I would be really happy to give advice- take advice. It would be awesome if you shared your routine with us!