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  1. S

    PSA: Are you female? Are you a vegetarian? Is your performance suffering? CHECK YOUR FERRITIN!!!

    @yusha So most fruit isn't a great source of iron, but removing the pits/water of some fruits that contain a small amount of iron makes them smaller, more concentrated, and able to be consumed in larger quantities than the fresh counterpart. Someone might not be up for eating 5 peaches, but they...
  2. S

    PSA: Are you female? Are you a vegetarian? Is your performance suffering? CHECK YOUR FERRITIN!!!

    @yusha To be more precise (if you care haha), ferritin is a protein as well as a storage molecule, as is another protein called transferrin (the body developed this mechanism not only to move iron in and out of cells, but also to sequester it from bacteria that also utilize iron). Ferritin's...