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  1. J

    Time and time again the guys adding the most LBM/density are the ones focused on moving big loads (regardless of rep range)

    @justin017878 Close, I'm Dr. Eric Trelms. Jeff puts out great stuff, though!
  2. J

    Time and time again the guys adding the most LBM/density are the ones focused on moving big loads (regardless of rep range)

    @dawn16 When one starts considering the trade-offs of training in low vs moderate-to-high rep ranges, there's a discussion to be had in terms of where one should concentrate the bulk of one's volume for hypertrophy. Factors like stress on joints/connective tissue, ease of measuring proximity to...
  3. J

    Time and time again the guys adding the most LBM/density are the ones focused on moving big loads (regardless of rep range)

    @fender75 The importance of moving loads "regardless of rep range" makes this a fairly uninteresting observation. The person squatting 315 for 25 reps will have bigger legs than the person squatting 225 for 25 reps. However, normally "moving big loads" in the context of hypertrophy relates to...
  4. J

    My 1 1/2 year progression

    @heavenhome Nice work! You started out really skinny and are already pretty jacked. I'm sure a lot of young, skinny dudes who may not believe they can put on respectable size will be inspired by this.