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  1. C

    Dr. Gregor says not to consume over 25 grams of soy protein per day. What are your thoughts?

    @ichthymom I don't agree. Here is Victoria region's government stance on soy protein and
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    Does textured soy count as whole foods or junk food?

    Hi all. This is more about nutrition than fitness but hope it's ok. Does the textured soy, the one that looks like meat, count as whole foods plant based diet or is it more like vegan junk food? How is it made exactly? It's in this video at 2:30 Thank you
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    Does anyone else feel a “duty” to be fit to disprove “soyboy” myths?

    @kirkhaggerty Trying to be the fittest person in most friend groups is my form of vegan activism.
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    💩 💩 a lot as a vegan. Normal?

    @bornoptimist Is it solid? If yes, then ok. If not then try to find what causes it. For me it was tons of fruit in the morning shake + tons of legumes. Lowered them both, increased grains and now it's great.