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  1. E

    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @illustratus Menus have to be adjusted to your lifestyle. Following a whole-foods plant-based diet it's really hard not to lose weight eating anything that fits those parameters. If a vegan isn't losing weight it's simply because they're eating too much processed food. I wouldn't even try to...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @christ_our_lord Are you on a caloric surplus or a normocaloric diet? If you can get enough calories out of it, the healthiest sources are cereals (bread, rice, quinoa) and beans. But they're too high in fiber and water for some people to eat enough, so a bit more processed foods such as hummus...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @dawn16 Yes, as an ergogenic aid, synced with your strength mesocycles. Creatine improves CPr storage on any diet and it's synthethized in a lab. Any creatin monohydrate powder from a reputable brand is good enough (they change from country to country). Most of them are the same, as they're all...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @morgandeb Whoops, I missed this one! My day was fine, thank you. What about yours?
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @authorrobsigmon Terms such as defense industry, defense spending and budget are clear examples of orwellian political speak. A system of lobbies that allows the perpetuation of inhuman practices such as country invasions and development of weapons of mass destruction should simply not be...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @crossdrivenwriter I need more information on your current workout routine to help training-wise. But as a disclaimer: the most important factor that keeps us vegans from gaining mass tends to be caloric intake. Our diets are rich in fiber and water, making them healthier but less efficient for...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @emilypryzgoda Lower strength and slower recovery with a healthy diet is almost always due to a caloric deficit. Plant-based diets are high in fiber and water content, making them less caloric (which promotes health in the general population, but can make it problematic to eat sufficient...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @gabrielleb Macros depend on the objective of the diet. But overall, they're irrelevant compared to the source where you get the macros. Quality food comes first. As a general guideline, anything between 40-60% carbs, 15-30% fats and 10-25% protein is ok.
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @gabrielleb By the looks of it, you'd hardly need surgery, but a good rehab will surely help. If it's because you haven't had time to get proper diagnostics, that's fine. Knowing what you exactly have is essential to recover properly. These answers people want for thes types of questions are...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @gabrielleb Which injury? is it a tendon or a meniscus tear? When did it happen? For how long have you been immobilized (if you have)? Also, get a better explanation than "for god knows how long" from your doctor, that's plain irresponsible by their part. Sadly, short-term dieting and...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @sunflowerseedaddict HIIT is as useful if not more to endurance for the general population. Even marathonians train HIIT several times a week nowadays. You will most likely reap more benefits training one day less if you switch to HIIT. General recommendations for muscle growth go between 20 to...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @sunflowerseedaddict Harris-Benedict Equation is the formula most commonly used to calculate BMR, which is to be taken with a grain of salt, but can be useful to start. What these bands tend to mesaure correctly is daily activity. Just keep in mind the most important fact: that you're not...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @sunflowerseedaddict Don't mention it. I became a PT to help people not to get rich, I'm just glad I can do it. From your answer, I suppose that your objective is mainly aesthethic, and primarily gaining muscle mass. Moreover, as you're a relatively experienced lifter, I need a bit more of...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @rnion I was halfway through the explanation and reddit decided to delete the whole reply. Here we go again. First off, a couple of disclaimers: ·If you had more experience, I'd be ok giving you a routine, but at the start is when you need most help and supervision from a professional. Despite...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @magnus359 What you'll struggle most will probably be sufficient caloric intake. Keep in mind that plant-based diets are higher in fiber and water content, making meals less caloric. That's really good for overall health of an average person, but not someone training seriously. That said, I...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @john127 You literally quoted one of the videos from the best doctor on clinical nutrition I know, so I'll leave you to with it. Hint: it's almost physically impossible to eat too much soy.
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @mark7871 Low-rep, high-intensity strength training with excentric overload would be your best bet. Good luck!
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @mark7871 Glucosamine and chondroitin oral supplements have been shown to have little effect on joint health. When necessary (gonalgia caused by the degeneration of cartilage, mainly), they're infiltrated on the affected joints, and even then, there's still debate about their efficacy. What's...
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    [#2] I am a personal trainer with 6 years of experience and have been a vegan for the past 5. I'm here to help, ask me anything

    @beccabeccab3 I became vegan at first for athletic performance and recovery. If he's against a plant-based diet, he doesn't have a clue about nutrition. You can either keep him if he's a good enough trainer and ignore his diet advice (we often don't study dietetics in a significant depth during...