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    Is 500/month a general cost for a fitness and health coach?

    @unname28 This is a bad idea, chat GPT tends to make poor programs and randomising it is silly because consistency and progression are critical to getting results, how can you guarantee progression if things change week to week? As the other commenter said, following a proven program is a...
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    Do y’all drink protein shakes on days you don’t work out?

    @jerryfont It depends if I need the shake to get enough protein Your question could also be asked as "do you eat food with protein on days you don't work out", protein shakes are just a high protein food. Clearly you need to fuel your body every day, not just days you train
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    Looking to "put it all together"

    @anandmtech10 As others have said, read the wiki and pick a program With regards to cardio/conditioning (separate yet similar) do them on the non lifting days of whatever program you pick At your stage it isn't worth worrying about minor details, just focus on getting strong, someone with a...
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    hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

    @gilcimarlp It's perfectly fine to lift awkward things at weird angles, that's basically the entire sport of strongman As long as you use an appropriate starting weight and build up it's fine
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    Is This A Good Workout For My Goals?

    @luckycharmz Probably not, it's just a list of exercises, there's no progression scheme or indication of how much to lift Following an actual program is likely to give better results over time, some dumbbell and kettlebell programs are below...
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    How to gain weight in 2 months

    @randomelement I mean, even if they weren't eating "optimal" protein they'd still gain some muscle unless they were getting zero protein at all But again, that doesn't seem to be OP's focus so it doesn't matter
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    Is my workout plan balanced?

    @louiscabrera Just follow an existing program that's proven to work, the link below has plenty This isn't really a program, there doesn't seem to be a prescription for number of sets, not every movement has a rep scheme, and...
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    How to gain weight in 2 months

    @randomelement Whether or not someone becomes skinny fat is down to their training, you can eat doughnuts and cupcakes and gain muscle too but the only way to gain is to eat more But OP isn't asking about training, only about gaining weight
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    I think I gained fat even though I lost weight. HOW????????

    @shiwang90 Methods of measuring body fat aren't particularly reliable, you might have measured differently or it could simply be that you're a bit bloated, both of which would cause an incorrect measurement being bloated can make you "feel fat" without you actually having any extra mass Don't...
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    Says here that the farmer’s carry is a full-body workout. Can I just do farmer’s carries every day?

    @dinneratsix Just do one hand at a time so you have a hand free
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    in need of help! want to become QUADZILLA

    @brokenjohninchrist Haha, I'm glad you got something useful from my ramblings In case you're interested, there's also a Zercher deadlift, I'm in awe of this guy
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    Says here that the farmer’s carry is a full-body workout. Can I just do farmer’s carries every day?

    @canadiangirl143 Why would someone screw their back up holding weights on a treadmill? It's the same as holding weights while walking on the ground
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    in need of help! want to become QUADZILLA

    @brokenjohninchrist Front squats are definitely worth figuring out, they're an excellent lift, in case you can't tell I'm a squat fiend Awesome! As long as you recover properly and eat enough then in theory you should be able to progress on the program recommendations, sometimes it's good to be...
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    Good exercises to train legs to failure with barbells and dumbbells only?

    @mariajo Zercher squats Barbell hack squats Barbell goblet squats
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    Soon to be starting a gym. In general tips?

    @thrivenotjustsurvive The wiki has all the info you need. Below is a link to the programs but it also has advice on how to build muscle in the menu To improve fitness you'll want to work on your conditioning, below the wiki link are 3 links about conditioning that should help, the person who...
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    Says here that the farmer’s carry is a full-body workout. Can I just do farmer’s carries every day?

    @ghancock1210 I stick to suitcase carries on the treadmill, that way you have one hand available to pause the treadmill for getting on and off and don't have to worry about how heavy the weight is
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    in need of help! want to become QUADZILLA

    @brokenjohninchrist Sounds good! Increasing your back squat will do wonders for body transformation, your program should tell you when to increase the weight which can sometimes lead to you surprising yourself. Zerchers may get around your issue with front squats as you hold the bar in the crook...
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    in need of help! want to become QUADZILLA

    @brokenjohninchrist I found that super squats was an excellent program for adding mass to my quads. I've not yet run GZCLP so can't comment on it other than the fact that I'd like to run it some day Your variable surplus seems low at times, 100 calories is a rounding error, I would personally...
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    Almost no muscle gain in 3 years of lifting

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    What are the best ways build muscle from home?

    @peacefan Read this If you have access to a barbell or dumbbells follow a program from here If you have access to any kettlebells check out r/kettlebells for a program If you...