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  1. P

    Proper Pull up form (retracting or depressing first?)

    @dawn16 It's not about hoe much I did but How. Once I changed my form my tendon stopped rubbing and I didn't have shoulder injury since.
  2. P

    Proper Pull up form (retracting or depressing first?)

    @dawn16 I was doing calisthenics at 14-16 years old. At my peak I did pull ups for cardio, I could bank out 160 L-sit pull ups by 10 rep sets in a bit 240 push ups at 20 rep sets and it was a breeze. I knew no such thing as overloading or straining my body. Had some teenager problems back then...
  3. P

    Proper Pull up form (retracting or depressing first?)

    @dawn16 Great way to fuck your shoulders. Please people, anyone who isn't sure their joints and bones grew exactly as it should don't do this. I spent too much time with inflamed tendons to know better.
  4. P

    Proper Pull up form (retracting or depressing first?)

    @gokua To work your back more and get better long term results it helped me once I focused on retracting shoulderblades first, pushing my chest upwards and then bringing it to the bar. It's also safer but my bones grew wrong so without thinking about it I damage my tendons if I just "go at it"