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  1. G

    2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 2

    @be_a_light That's tough, I hope he can recover well, and that it wouldn't take too long.
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    2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE8 - Intervals Discussion

    @jonjones229 I don't think that was just a mistake by Roman Khrennikov. He looked completely off, something not quite right. Hope he is OK.
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    Wodapalooza Day 2

    Day 2 stream - Let's hope it's better than Day 1, speaking of which, they've reuploaded the stream which appears to be glitch-free. Day 1 stream - Leaderboard - Day 2 events (links to Brian Friend's previews) We Have Lift Off (Part A and B) (Tina...
  4. G

    2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 2

    William Leahy looked like he was going to smash the best time for event 3, but then something happened. Still a good time, but he didn't look too good at the end, I hope he is not injured.
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    2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 2

    Quite a big drop-off in time for the Oceania men in event 2 after the top 4 men- almost a minute difference between the 4th and 5th place (12:18 to 13:13). Compare to Europe where the competitors are more evenly spaced. there were 10 men in that one minute (from 12:19 to 13:17).
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    2024 Semifinals - French Throwdown

    @be2012 They are doing OK. There's only one camera, there's nothing to see when the athletes go on a run, so they need to keep talking. They should identify the athletes more though, it's hard to tell who's who when they are far away.
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    2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 1

    @momg Maybe, we'll see. Different people will have their own favorites, some think William Leahy will qualify, some think Cole Sager can still do it, and some will choose Scott Tetlow, we'll know soon who is right.
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    Rogue Invitational - Day 3

    @rorycunningham He turned down the invite. Probably needed to refocus after doing badly at the Games this year.
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    2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 3

    Overall I'd say the Oceania put on a good show. While the NA West semi has not been as good production-wise, it has been exciting, Some outstanding performances, e.g. Colten Mertens and Olivia Kerstetter in event 5, and Tudor Magda in event 6, and close contest that kept people at tenterhooks as...
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    Wodapalooza Day 3 - Elite teams

    @leonsoekjesus Leaderboard? Yes, you may need to scroll it across to see the results, no idea don't why they put the run as the third event).
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    2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 1

    @jayce9936 There might be 4 or 5 people who can fight for fourth place, so who knows. Everyone I've heard says the same top 3, harder to tell who can get the last spot for the Games.
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    2024 Semifinals - French Throwdown

    @seamos98 I think Chase mentioned that they don't need to do the last rope climb, and can finish after their box jump overs.
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    Oceania - North America West - South America Semi-Finals Friday Discussion Thread

    @lhoustonii Hate for that to happen if true. They really need to use equipment that's tried and tested rather than something that can cause problem for the athletes.
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    Wodapalooza Day 3 - Elite teams

    @lhoustonii It happened offsite, and afaik no live coverage. We don't know if they'll do the highlights, we'll see. The results are in leaderboard if it helps.
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    2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 1

    @leebarnes What happened to him?
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    "A new era in CrossFit Games rankings has begun"

    @johnjohnson55 Everyone is biased. I could say the the list is biased toward Americans because few Europeans (only one I think) voted, as evidenced by Alex Kazan (too high) and Gabi Migala (too low). I would trust the opinions of many of the individuals (in the media or the coaches) in the...
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    2024 semifinals - Oceania, and North America West - Day 3

    Torian Pro - West Coast Classic - Qualifiers for games - North America West - 9 men, 8 women, 7 teams Oceania - 4 men, 4 women, 3 teams Leaderboard - Oceania - North America West -...
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    Oceania - North America West - South America Semi-Finals Friday Discussion Thread

    @jarvis75 There always seem to be some issues with the sled/surface/lane. Using a torque tank might resolve some of the issues, but torgue tank is not fun to watch and not practicable trying to standardize the competition in all continents.
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    "A new era in CrossFit Games rankings has begun"

    @grace4nan Nate Edwardson is more into golf these days, and his golf channel appears to be more successful than his CrossFit one ever was. There are also quite a few others like Kettlebells and Cocktails, Jason CF Media, and others, not to mention media content creators from groups like TTT...
  20. G

    Wodapalooza Day 3 - Elite teams

    @dmmesdale I think the commentators were just confused as to when the women had to synchronize. Sean thought they had to synchronize at the bottom, but it looked like they had to synchronize at the top.