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  1. J

    I want to strict press 32kg

    @hcwewvcw02 This is an interesting question! I’m also interested in pressing the 32, but I also have a 24. I can do a few Turkish getups, cleans, and push presses with the 32, so I would maybe try some of those other exercises. Really, I think you just have to start getting really comfortable...
  2. J

    I want to strict press 32kg

    @sfva I respect this opinion but I really feel like it’s limiting. Sure it might take a long time, and you might have to get really creative with your approach - but it is certainly not an impossible task, and you’ll learn a lot about your body and training overall along the way!
  3. J

    Only S&S?

    @joellemarie197 I have the same “no thinking” requirement for my exercise, and when I was new with kettlebells I loved S&S for that. Even today I still use the S&S warmup for almost every workout I do (goblet squats, halos, glute bridges) and it’s also my default workout if I don’t have...
  4. J

    Kb28kg as first

    @stefan612 If everyone in the world would just do what they can with what they’ve got, we’d all be in pretty good shape. Make it work!