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  1. S

    Taller ladies with very long femurs - Does Squatting Ever Get Easier?

    @karmel Also have long femurs and no I don’t have trouble reaching squat depth or atg especially without weight. It sounds more like a flexibility issue
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    Taller ladies with very long femurs - Does Squatting Ever Get Easier?

    @faithfulsteward7 I’m 5’9” with a short torso and long femurs. I can squat basically ass to grass and am in general quite flexible, but I’ll never be able to squat a lot. I weigh 130 and the most I’ve EVER been able to squat is 125 for 6 reps and that’s when I was training a lot. I can leg...
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    Puny person in upstairs apartment adding barbell to routine

    @rob01 why not just join a gym? i'd love a home gym setup if i lived in a house but it's kind of impractical in an apartment for multiple reasons. i can't imagine this being feasible without like at least one completely empty bedroom. or constantly assembling/disassembling. the gym is so much...
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    DEXA Scans August 2019 / May 2022 / January 2024 Progress: 33, 5’5”, 140 to 160 to 137 lbs, 32.9% BF

    @deju357 i would up the protein to 1g/lb of bodyweight. LISS can actually be better than high intensity cardio for weight loss so no issues there, but if you want to preserve lean body mass as you continue losing weight, you should incorporate some form of strength training.
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    What percent of your income goes towards fitness?

    @christian2011 I spend $220 for my gym membership, $120 for Pilates, and maybe $50 on vitamins and supplements. Altogether that works out to under 3% gross income. I should go back to PT which would be another $120/mo w insurance but it’s hard to find the time honestly. I don’t include gym...