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  1. O

    Gym for 1.5 years, no results. What am I doing wrong?

    @truth76 Are you taking progress pictures? Everyone is hard on themselves including me . Been hitting gym hard for 2 years and this morning was in a mood and disappointed in myself till I looked back at even the latest picture, 1 month ago and could see a pretty good difference
  2. O

    Gym for 1.5 years, no results. What am I doing wrong?

    @truth76 Yes, I really try too. 3 exercise that work a muscle group. 9 sets. That evening I'll do 3 different exercises, same muscle group. Eat healthy, don't overtrain, something that my wife and I can do together, and most important it works for me and I enjoy it.
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    Gym for 1.5 years, no results. What am I doing wrong?

    @truth76 I wake up early, drink electrolytes then a protein shake. Workout, drink another protein shake, overnight oats mixed with protein powder. Protein (meat)for a snack, protein (meat) for lunch. Get home, workout, protein (meat) for dinner. Some veggies for filler.