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  1. E

    Busy Dad, tired of feeling like shit. Asking for advice

    @tomaszpl Got a bike? Its great as the exercise starts right out the door, the only extra time involved is showering after. You can push as hard as you like. Can be done any time, kids down for a nap go for a ride and your partner has their me time next nap.
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    Is three weeks of the gym worth it?

    @ecco Movement inspires more movement. These few weeks will help lead on to going for a decent walk regularly, seeking out active options. You won't cure your issues that fast but it's the job that's never started that takes the longest.
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    What does your warm up look like?

    @newbeginning1996 Every big lift I start with a set with the empty bar. Mix it up with faster reps, paused reps etc. Then add one plate at a time up to working weight. I find it crazy how folks will jump straight to a 100kg squat with no warm-up even when I go well past that.
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    Risk v reward

    @ttcmacro 50 here and stopped deadlifting a couple of years ago at just over 200kg. Still squatting over that and no more minor back pains. I'm not ever planning to enter a power lifting comp. I enjoy my gym time so my risk vs reward reflects that. I do focus on fewer reps though. I find it...
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    Constant DOMS and soreness - how to mitigate?

    @terrygillettedavis How often are you hitting each body part? I was doing full bodyvtwice a week but alternating sqiats and deads. Squats once a week always gave doms so i make sure to do some leg wirk on deads day and it helps a lot. Also consider how close to faikure you are going each time...