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  1. L

    Been doing the RR for 4-5 years, looking for feedback on a custom routine

    @narrowisthepath Honestly this more of a "guidepost" spreadsheet than a "goalpost" one so up to you. I would say 1 Rep max for anything with reps or 5 second hold for static stuff Look, it's kinda on the edge of where workout literature breaks down. Like, sleeping 8+ hours a night is better...
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    Why your homebrew routine is (probably) bad

    Hey y'all! So I frequent this sub, and a common thing that’s posted is something to the extent of “I’m just starting out, is this routine good/what exercises are good?” or "I've been doing some at home/youtube video/workout app routines, are they good?". To which I always say “Get on a routine...
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    Been doing the RR for 4-5 years, looking for feedback on a custom routine

    @narrowisthepath So here are the overcoming gravity progression charts. Anything "beginner" is achievable within a year of good training, intermediate stuff is mostly doable in ~5 years or quicker with specialized training, advanced stuff is lifetime goals and elite stuff is pretty much athletes...
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    Been doing the RR for 4-5 years, looking for feedback on a custom routine

    @leoriofarel Yeah I'm with you... 5 years of training, no matter how inconsistent, doesn't peak at bodyweight dips, 10 lbs pullups and hamstring slides, you should be far beyond that.
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    [29M] Been training since 2021, not seeing much progress. Please help?

    @ladydenise226 You sir have a case of fuckarounditis Unless you have some medical issue, I can think of no reason approaching 3 years of training would equal roughly 6 mo of progress. Have you been at 85%+ consistency and "two minutes of rest is barley enough and I'm covered in sweat" effort?
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    6 months of calisthenics training, gotten stronger but body the exact same

    @hotairballoon 2-3 months from being able to do sets of pullups. Did the RR in this subs wiki then moved on to a PPL rings routine
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    6 months of calisthenics training, gotten stronger but body the exact same

    @iron2iron 4 reps pullups to 8 reps paused pullups seems like not great progress for 6 months. It took me like 2-3 months for 1 chinup then another 2-3 to get to sets of 8 L-sit chinups. Imo it's a consistency, effort, or routine problem.
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    I strength trained 1x per week and 7x per week for 5 months each

    @humblejalopy He opens with saying he was entering a time-crunch period of his life and wanted to figure out the best way to work out with minimal time - 1x/week with a bunch of time or 7x with super short workouts. Also says that 3x is harder for him to schedule
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    How long does it take to get to body like this ?

    @olliegen Read fuckarounditis by leangains.
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    Update: 24 mos of bwf- - M/36/5’10

    @mephistophelesbent I'm about two months behind him :P but what helped me was saying "I can start this routine whenever, but I need to do it before I get in the shower at night". So like, ideally I started it at 8 PM, so I could be done by 9:30, shower and in bed at 10. But even if I...
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    Help me find the right routine

    @veni Well, if you're strong enough to do a few pushups, you can progress with working towards pike pushups and overhead pressing instead of dips, which some people say is better anyway. You can find the pike progressions under "alternative paths" on either dips or pushups. Hinging is another...
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    Help me find the right routine

    @veni The RR is really rough the first week or so as you're figuring it out but like a month-ish in you'll be like "oh this is actually super straightforward, it just takes a lot of reading to get why" You got this!
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    Help me find the right routine

    @veni The problem is, there's so much that goes into building a good routine that it's really not recommended for beginners to make their own. Exercise selection sure, but also exercise order, grouping, rest between sets, number of sets, number of reps, times per week, progressions within an...