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  1. H

    Arms sets

    @littlesparrow1 Forearms can take a lot of volume. I do all my pulling with straps so i bought grippers and do gripper myoreps or dropsets 2x a week at home and then try to fit in some of both direction wrist curls when i can, it does a lot for size and forearm health its worth it and only takes...
  2. H

    Garage gyms; winter cold

    @mutgr Yeah i live somewhere where it is regularly below freezing and have a detached garage with my equipment in it. After the first year of giving up when it got to -10, i now train in a local gym from about november to february, as i find below 20f to be intolerable for training after a week...
  3. H

    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @sarham41 My S tier for each group Chest - cambered bar flat bench, incline smith, flat dumbell (all paused) Tri - JM Press, 1 arm overhead cable extension (lengthened partials) Shoulders - 1 arm cable raise at chest height, let arm stretch across whole body, reverse pec deck lengthened...