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    New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

    @nathan2018 I went from being fairly active pre-pandemic (I walked a ton, took a bunch of stairs every day, lifted weights 3x a week, and threw in some occasional running when my schedule permitted) to being completely sedentary for about two and a half years, and it's been brutal on both my...
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    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    @kenjisan70 I'm sure if you find an English-speaking tour group, your guide would be able to help translate in the case of needing first aid!
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    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    @kenjisan70 Oh that's amazing! I'm not planning on doing any hiking except maybe as a day trip, I just really love exploring cities on foot lol. I've been fortunate to be able to travel a lot and I'm definitely the kind of person who likes being out and about with a jam-packed schedule from dawn...
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    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    @uticus Similar to your #1, I have a big trip to Japan planned for this fall and I want to feel comfortable being on my feet all day by the time I leave. I used to travel a ton before the pandemic and would easily log 10-15 miles walking a day on any given trip, which is...not my current reality...