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  1. F

    70kg to 60kg - 101kg deadlift

    @millenialsaint You look fantastic, great work! Looks like you got some face gains too
  2. F

    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    @122r you look great. I wouldn't have expected you to be 27% bf from that pic. you look lean and strong
  3. F

    GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

    @andy1993 Height 5'4 weight was around 150 lb. These are estimates. Start: empty bar on everything. 6 months: 100 lb squat, 75 lb bench, 65 lbs OHP, 100 lbs deadlifts 1 year: 150 lb squat, 95 lb bench, 75 lbs OHP, 150 lb dead lift Honestly I didnt care about quickly increasing those...