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  1. S

    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @twiggy87 Yep. Those cues sound right.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @specific The goal is to do it without changing the shoulder angle, but that requires a good amount of strength and flexibility (I don't quite do it perfectly). Bring your legs up as high as you can without leaning back.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @peakdixon Currently my training is geared towards competitive gymnastics. I know I have more details buried deep in my comment history somewhere, so I'll try to dig that up for you if I get a chance instead of rewriting it.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @dawn16 I don't think it would make a lot of difference for the pull ups, but you should probably get that checked out.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @twinsjoy There are lots of resources in the sidebar. Start with the FAQ.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @dazzle102475 It think so. The thumb position isn't terribly important for these though. Whenever I do them on thinner bar (like the men's metal bar) I wrap my thumbs around, but standard technique on the women's uneven bars is to thumbs on the same side.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @erronn Facing away. Palms facing in is called a chin up.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @yunus061 Yeah, I have rotator cuff and labrum issues and have to be careful about it. Since the rotator cuff isn't particularly strong, it helps to consciously keep some tension using other muscle groups as well.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @paulwhoever I usually recommend to go down to full extension in the arms and shoulders unless you have some sort of injury or impairment that contraindicates that. However, you should still keep tension in the shoulders the whole time. Don't let them relax and pop out of socket.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @dawn16 Agreed. I hate those things with their slippery rubber handles that make you choose narrow grip or wide grip.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @yuliza The only time I've had elbow pain with muscle ups is when I tried weighted straight body muscle ups.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    Scrap footage: I started trying to record some muscle up variations, but wasn't satisfied with my technique. I'll try again when I'm fresh.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @laura743 I train 4 or 5 days per week, 1.5 to 3 hours per work out mostly gymnastics skill work.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    @andreasprotoklitos Everybody starts somewhere. As long as you are improving and pushing yourself, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
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    Pull ups, L pull ups, V pull ups

    I just uploaded a few pull up videos. Pull Ups L Pull Ups V Pull Ups I'll get around to adding the descriptions eventually. Bonus: Hanging Leg Lifts.
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    V-sit hold 1 minute press to handstand

    @unsu I looked at some of the other videos on the channel. This is what we need to show people who are convinced their arms are too short to do an L-sit. This dude could do an L-sit even if he were missing his entire forearm!