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  1. M

    Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?

    @shouldn%E2%80%99tbethishard It's go = carbs, grow = proteins, glow = fruits, vegs. It's just what we called them at school growing up. 😄
  2. M

    Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?

    @excpomelo I'm 4'10-ish and 43kg. I eat between 1600 to 1800 calories everyday, and am mindful that I have a good ratio of "go, grow and glow" foods. I treat myself to processed food or sweets on the weekend, or if I need a boost in the middle of the week. 😁 I'm moderately active in my job, and...