@brock I think I'm achieving failure or close to failure consistently with upper body movements and dumbbells, but I'm not as sure about lower body, especially since I'm not using barbells...I wonder if overall fatigue in lower body can get in the way of achieving muscular failure -- I think i'm...
@sammyclifnote I'm all for full body and I'll outline my situation and why I think it's great:
I started with upper/lower split as a complete newbie, doing 4-5 days per week.
Now I'm doing full body 3 days a week and I feel like the cadence is helping me realize mo gains, progressive overload...
@newbeginning1996 In addition to the light weight before first exercise of every workout, I do morning mobility training almost every morning. Not sure if it makes a difference, but have only gotten injured when doing something stupid 😎