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    How do you keep energised at work without surgery snacks when dieting?

    @divinity3 I don't think most people have an issue with sugary snacks making them 2-3x more productive. If that were the case for me, I'd eat the snacks.
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    if you had 4-5 hours a week to spend in the gym over 4 sessions, what would you do?

    @mvelis15 5/3/1. You can easily get a 5/3/1 session done in an hour.
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    Tired of getting injured

    @wally1648 My bet is on improper bracing.
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    What’s a great 6 day weight training split or approach?

    @thaphobia 5/3/1. You lift 3 or 4 days a week but with conditioning, you could be in the gym 6 days a week.
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    Transformation Part 1 (5'7/M/34, 170+ -> 151) - Looking for trainer for Part 2

    @terenence Why are you suggesting to pay a pro? He told you everything you needed to know for free and when you actually did pay him, it appears he did next to nothing. What did he actually do for you?
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    Program Review + Starting a Cut

    @agoodmeasure Yes, different people have different TDEE's. That's why you can't rely on an online calculator. You have to measure your daily cals and compare that to how your weight changes over time. He'll actually have to track body weight and cal intake to know for sure but a cal target of...
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    Program Review + Starting a Cut

    @agoodmeasure I'm 6'4" 225ish lbs, 44 yo and my maintenance is 3400 cals. It's very believable that his maintenance is in that range.
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    Says here that the farmer’s carry is a full-body workout. Can I just do farmer’s carries every day?

    @dinneratsix You need more than just farmer's carrys for a complete workout. If you want a workout based around carrying stuff, check out Brian Alsruhe's program Every Day Carry.
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    Fitness Programs? are they worth the price?

    @david_loves_boats There are a bunch of quality, free programs here.
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    Realizing I'm getting O-L-D

    @faithliness Knee pain is not normal for 30+ somethings. I think you are right about overuse.
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    Risk v reward

    @ttcmacro 44m. I consider the deadlift and squat to be low risk and high reward, so for me, yes, it is worth it. You don't have to do them if you don't want to though.
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    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @candycehill What would be the purpose of that?
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    Cutting regiment after 5/3/1

    @sold4christ25 There are a lot of 5/3/1 templates. BBB isn't recommended for a cut (although I've done it) but a lot of people have had success with 5/3/1 FSL, 1000% Awesome, Krypteria, or Prep and Fat Loss templates on cuts.
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    Confirming Target Calories

    @jonathanedwards Starting with 2400 is fine. Track your weight daily and each week, take an average of your weight. Use the averages to adjust your 2400 cals.