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  1. K

    Thoughts on 1 Rep, 2 Rep, 3 Rep, 4 Rep,+ Progression?

    @jermyn If your max is 10, you will never get to 10 in a pyramid with 30 seconds of rest. Also, to me, a pyramid has both up and down increments. Like 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1.
  2. K

    BWF Primer Build-Up Community Event: Day 5

    @dontdosadness I skipped a day cause I was overly tired (maybe cause I am old?). But when I finally did day 5 today it was a piece of cake! I actually enjoyed the push ups.
  3. K

    Are there any exercise more brutal than the horse stance?

    @etant Honestly, any distraction from the pain is an improvement.