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  1. J

    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @nipun Try it and see how it works out for you, you can always adjust if you want to at a later date if results are satisfactory or unsatisfactory.
  2. J

    Geoff Neupert Strength Standards

    @snowlucario It's a nice goal to shoot for, and I think anyone that's capable of it would be fairly well rounded individual in terms of strength and conditioning. #3 I'm sure I can do, #4 I'd like to find out.
  3. J

    Geoff Neupert Strength Standards

    @snowlucario I think he described the DFSQ as something like a stationary carry due to the demands on the core, which I kind of agree on. I wouldn't agree with not squatting at all though. Although I think it all depends on what someone is going for.