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  1. E

    Same Full Body routine x 3 times a week?

    @youngwife Glad to hear your lifts last week went well! Sorry to hear that you’ve come down with something though. I did actually experience this when I did SuperSquats over the summer, and it was very frustrating so I can empathize here. However, think about it this way: if it takes you weeks...
  2. E

    Same Full Body routine x 3 times a week?

    @youngwife Great job on the weight gain and moving up the squat weight so far! To answer your question about pain, I cannot certainly say you should do anything as I am not a physical therapist. However, supersquats will really reveal what issues you have with mobility in general. I would...
  3. E

    Same Full Body routine x 3 times a week?

    @youngwife Glad to hear you’re already shoving your face! I’ve found that appetite will absolutely increase as you go through the program, especially when the squat sets become absolutely grueling. I personally eat a fast food meal every day or two, and I don’t find any negative effects (skin...
  4. E

    Same Full Body routine x 3 times a week?

    @youngwife Great!! Glad you gave it a try! A couple things to say, first about your calorie surplus question: in the program book, it calls for this ridiculous diet of 8 billion eggs and gallons of milk a day lol, I do not see any point in doing that (though eating a lot of eggs and milk is good...
  5. E

    Same Full Body routine x 3 times a week?

    @youngwife It seems like you would enjoy Super Squats, you should check it out. Has a very similar scheme to what you proposed there. Anecdotally, I’m running it for the second time now (it’s a 6 week program) and I have seen great results. As long as you eat big, you get big. As far as missing...