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  1. R

    GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

    @didigetitwrong29 Yeah it's been mental. My jeans that I couldn't get on are so loose that I can pull them off without unbuttoning. I carry most weight on my tummy, legs and arse so those were the first things to go down!
  2. R

    GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

    @andy1993 Im 5"4 and I weighed 67kg. I started September 10th this year and I've worked my way up to 65kg squat and deadlift but I'm not progressing at the overhead press and can only do 20kg. Sorry I go off kg not pounds cause I'm British. I still weigh roughly the same but I've gone from a...