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    Creating/structuring a leg day

    @danielandthelion I’d recommend going to /r/fitness and reading the sidebar wiki, including the program picker. All the info you need is there.
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    Easily get tired?

    @isabella728xx Keep walking. If that’s what you can do, focus on going longer / incline / faster.
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    My experience with E.S.P. Extreme Preworkout/ stg got me high

    @jayason That’s beta alanine for you.
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    How much calories/protein should I eat to gain muscle? 25 F

    @guariglio8195 Start with 2g / kg body weight, every day. Repeat for 6 weeks, see how it goes.
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    Questions about Recovery

    @fedya Sounds like you need to eat more, mate. You getting 1+ gram protein / lb. body weight? Try increasing it if no.
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    L Carnitine and cardio

    @richardj Your friend is feeding you bullcrap. Do not rely on supplements to burn fat. Do not rely on counting how many calories you think you burn during a video. There is no guarantee of calories burned per session; anyone who tells you so is lying or just ignorant. And there is no...
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    My f*****g brain hurts!!

    @rein_29 don't eat back your calories. (it's usually very inaccurate). Focus on what you can control -- how much you eat, and what you eat.
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    Losing weight in combination with cardio and full body workout

    @jdawg37659 Neither. Focus on fork put-downs and plate push-aways
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    Fitness Programs? are they worth the price?

    @david_loves_boats Use the program picker in the fitness wiki.
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    Hair loss and bodybuilding

    @jtjr can firm. hair is migrating from head to ears / eyebrows. getting old is stupid.
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    Feeling Stuck. What's wrong?

    @pejay60 I mean, biking can be done for just chill and relaxation, you know? it's good to move. some people feel better moving and doing something than just sitting around and doing nothing.
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    Write-Up For My First Show!

    @commando95 Looks great man, nice job. I'm at about 15%, wanting to get down to 10-11% before clean bulking. Any chance I could shoot you my current routine / meal prep for a quick review? I'd love to have some more experienced eyeballs check it out, to make sure I'm on the right track. I've...
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    Feeling Stuck. What's wrong?

    @robingood generally speaking, no. lot's of people do that. (including me.) but the only way to know for sure is to try it yourself. there's a reason 6-day PPL split is so popular; it's free, it's simple, and it works. give it a shot. Plan on doing it for 6-8 weeks at a time, then taking...
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    Feeling Stuck. What's wrong?

    @robingood be advised that 3 days a week can get you growth results (if your goal is growth), but more days a week will get you more growth.
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    Feeling Stuck. What's wrong?

    @robingood Well, then, stop following their advice. How long you been on your current program? Macros look good if you want to bulk or maintain. Be advised that for some people (like me), recomp is always much, much slower than bulk / cut. You might want to consider cutting hard and then...