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    Grow them Glutes

    @manawarangal Love the advice and will start doing everything with more focus on activating glutes instead of quads
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    Grow them Glutes

    @bobjones Yessir!!! Combo of all the advise on here, TRT, resting more, and using protein intake definitely helped!!!
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    Grow them Glutes

    @amerikanka Buying bands right meow! That's one of the things I thought of the other day as to what all I haven't tried. Bands, kettle bells, and body weight Starting to incorporate a HICT program along with weight training similar to like what we did for HS Hockey, Lax, and FB off seasons
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    Grow them Glutes

    @sti2010 It's easier to say what I haven't tried... Surgery and gear
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    Grow them Glutes

    @dclements 💯 much appreciated
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    Grow them Glutes

    @dclements You are awesome! Throwing them on the list Any particular rep/set range you personally like
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    Grow them Glutes

    @sam85 Love it. I'll start going heavier, slower, and with less reps I have always gone low weight, slow and controlled reps with goodmornings. Like 3-4 sets of 25-15 reps
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    Grow them Glutes

    @dawn16 Thank you
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    Grow them Glutes

    @adoms Isolations! Roger that Thank you
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    Grow them Glutes

    @dawn16 Lmao more thrusts heard
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    Grow them Glutes

    @carpenternurse Hahaha right Funny you say that, I actually just started mountain biking too
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    Grow them Glutes

    @edram Roger that. I'll get video and post
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    Grow them Glutes

    @dawn16 Hahahaha I want that status my guy
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    Grow them Glutes

    @mb91 I love you Prime advice
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    Grow them Glutes

    @mb91 6' 190lbs and 1 legit rep max 275
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    Grow them Glutes

    @halowolf Donkey kicks!! I rarely do those so I will 100% add those Thank you
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    Grow them Glutes

    @heartnsoul19 GVT kicks your ass Love it! I have been incorporating GVT into various 4, 6, 8, 12 week programs. I mainly only use GVT for the big 5 lifts (squat, bench press, military, dead, row) usually the 1st exercise after warm-up Also, GVT w/superset leg ext -> leg curls to end leg day is...
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    Grow them Glutes

    @heartnsoul19 Sumo dead w/German volume training
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    Grow them Glutes

    @jesusfreak82 No doubt no doubt! Good input
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    Grow them Glutes

    @sisbarn70 Haha wow