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  1. G

    Help! I live 50 miles from the nearest gym

    @kersh Mark Lauren He has a free book, a paid app, many tutorials, etc. Everything is bodyweight.
  2. G

    If you could only do 5 moves with bodyweight ,5 lb db and 8 lb kettlebell

    @kelvinkann I've found a HIIT timer to be very helpful in this regard. I use a 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, four sets of 5 rounds. That makes it just 20 minutes. It has a definite start, a definite end - sort of removes the need for motivation once you start. Personally I'd go for as much...
  3. G

    BMI, body fat %, etc

    @binbina Switch to a plant based diet. Specifically, whole food plant based. This will change what you eat from calorie dense to calorie sparse.