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  1. J

    “A woman shouldn’t be doing an Arnold split.”

    @aksands00 Not only do women have testosterone, at stages in their lives, they have more testosterone than they do estrogen. What a knucklehead. 🙄
  2. J

    program for 50+ novice (4-6 months in) lifter

    Thanks, everyone, for the helpful input! I'm going to check out a few programs over the weekend and will make a decision by Monday. (no paralysis by analysis, just pick one!) I'll let you know what I decide. I'm pretty pleased that I'm at least passing-familiar with most of the names you've...
  3. J

    program for 50+ novice (4-6 months in) lifter

    Hi all and happy 2024. It's going to be a great year. I made some pretty significant strides in 2023 regarding my health and happiness and am continuing to focus on them. I've embraced the gym after years (decades) of avoidance, lifting weights again at the tender age of 50+. Guess what? I...