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  1. S

    A question for runners with thick thighs

    @juliabradley Those look comfy AF
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    After the recent "ladies of X-height" posts..

    @thehindubrahmin Me! I had to do weigh ins for a regatta back in June but besides doctors appointments sprinkled in the years before I haven’t been keep track since I graduated undergrad. It’s been a lovely 6 years of not being tied to a number! I’m currently working on my base line fitness and...
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    Does anyone else feel like they look incredibly stupid at the gym?

    @crucisdecristo I coach rowing and in the winter we are on land during week days. We often tell our athletes (all adults) if you feel like you look dumb, look at your team mate bing a badass, you look the same! And honestly sometimes I give them things that look dumb but work them out really...