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  1. V

    Should this forum create a ‘Recommended Warmup’ routine?

    @vnct0000 The flexibility sub has one called Starting to Stretch. It's an awesome starting point to cover some of the low hanging fruit and also work toward the exciting stuff like splits, toe touches and pancakes.
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    Bodyweight Skill Tree

    @hannah97 Have you looked at all at the Convict Conditioning progressions? You might be able to incorporate his steps into the spreadsheet. He did something similar, here's a link of all the progressions in the first book...
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    Are pull-up bars necessary if I own B-Bars?

    @neophyte365 For me personally, I do pullups where my feet are toward the ground (no crossed legs, straight legs) so even if I did fall I'd just fall onto my feet. It's never happened, but just a thought.
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    Back Training with Calisthenics: A Guide To Upper Body Pulling Strength

    @raykay Awesome guide! I'm intermediate and wondering which exercises to add to my routine (goal is strength first, size second). Currently, I do tuck FL rows, weighted pullups, rings face pulls, and ring bicep curls for my pull-day. I'll start doing some inverted hang progressions too for traps...
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    Comparison between 4 popular beginner bodyweight workouts shared in this sub over the last decade

    @kc8vji Well supersets are a hypertrophy thing for the same muscle, paired sets are for different muscles and putting your sets halfway between your other sets.