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    Nutritionist + working out = gaining weight, no results?

    @reneaz Is your diet putting you at a calorie deficit? What is the nutritionist helping you with?
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    Having trouble losing weight

    @forjesus82 At 2k cals you should be seeing some weight loss. Are you consistently tracking all your calories consumption?
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    Been going to the gym for 2 years, did I waste my time?

    @blueskies88 I mean you said it yourself, you really only have been training for 10 months. You definitely look like you gain fat but there is muscle under there. My biggest recommendation would be to follow an actual program. That way you can consistently track strength gains and chart improvement
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    I try to do calistenics and try not to hurt myselft dooing them

    @misslindabeaz Check out r/bodyweightfitness for more specific guidance. They may also have a calisthenics sub Reddit too